

During 3 years I worked about the plight of ostracised Indian widows. This is the incredible story of social reformer Bindeshwar Pathak bringing happiness into the lives of Indian widows, a story from despair to hope. A book, Angels of Ghost Street, has been published by Edition Lammerhuber.

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Widows Celebrate Holi In Meera Sehbhagini Mahila Ashray Sadan In Vrindavan
Dr. Pathak, a disciple of Gandhi, knows it will take a long path of patience to succeed. He knows that he will also have to win the people's support and the sympathy of the media. So he has embarked on a spectacular demonstration. Widows are traditionally excluded from religious ceremonies and festivals. Who cares! This is where he plans to strike the public's attention. For the first time, on the 24th and 25th of March 2013, hundreds of widows celebrated Holi, the Festival of Love and Spring, the Festival of Colours, which is forbidden to them, the Ladies in white veiled like Ghosts. But beware, they celebrated Holi with holy waterfalls and showers of millions of colourful flower petals offered and brought there by SULABH MOVEMENT. Although this is happening in their ashram and not on public roads, a dozen Indian and international journalists and photographers are invited. The event could make the front page of several major Indian newspapers. The world is changing...

Le Dr Pathak, disciple de Gandhi, sait qu'il faudra un long chemin de patience pour aboutir. Il sait qu'il lui faudra aussi gagner le soutien du peuple et la sympathie des médias. Alors il entreprend une démonstration spectaculaire. Les veuves sont exclues des cérémonies religieuses et des fêtes populaires. Qu'importe ! C'est là que Pathak va frapper les esprits. Pour la première fois, des centaines de veuves vont célébrer Holi, la Fête de l'Amour et du Printemps, cette Fête des Couleurs qui leur est interdite, à elles, les fantômes voilés de blanc. Mais attention, elles vont fêter Holi par des averses, des cascades, des cataractes de millions de pétales de fleurs multicolores. Certes, cela se passe dans leur ashram et pas encore sur la voie publique, mais une dizaine de journalistes et photoreporters indiens et internationaux sont invités, l'événement fait la Une de plusieurs grands journaux indiens. Le monde bouge.

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