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MONKS of DUST – The Book

Publisher, June 2001

"In the room next door to Father Pavlos's restoration workshop, I discovered a treasure of very old photographs. The pictures were roughly the same size as those that figure on passports. They looked ...

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MONKS of DUST – Introduction

Barry Unsworth, 2001

More than anything else so far devised by man, the photograph can give us a sense of life arrested, a moment rescued from the flux of time. Not mediated and presented as in painting, but a moment ...

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MONKS of DUST – Author’s Foreword

Xavier ZIMBARDO, 2001

Mount Athos is a veritable spiritual continent, the holiest place of the Orthodox Christian religion. It is also known as the Garden of the Virgin because Mary is purported to have landed here with ...

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Les Moines de Poussière – Préface de l’auteur

Xavier ZIMBARDO, 22/06/00

Véritable continent spirituel, le Mont Athos est le lieu le plus sacré de la religion chrétienne orthodoxe. On l’appelle aussi le jardin de la Vierge, parce que Marie y aurait accosté avec ...

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Le Mont Athos ou les quatre cercles de l’émerveillement

Kosta CHRISTITCH, 1999

Un texte de KOSTA CHRISTITCH (Tous droits de reproduction réservés)
Extrait du livre «La résistance serbe », Lausanne, 1999. ...

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